A Comprehensive Training Package for Developing Lean Leaders

Many organizations are looking to develop lean thinking and practice, but they don't know where to start.

Lean Smarts can help.

Why Should You Join the Course?

  • Spare yourself the time and confusion of decoding lean and creating training materials.

  • Leverage Daniel’s experience as a virtual, on-demand, in-house trainer, in high quality HD video.

  • Align your management team and gain massive momentum on your biggest next steps.

  • Create your own in-house training program from the provided materials (if you so choose).

What's Inside the Course

Get up to speed with lean by learning time-tested concepts based on the Toyota Production System (TPS).

  • 18 high quality videos

    Learn the basics of all the lean "must-have" tools including standard work, 5S, one-piece flow, kaizen, value stream mapping, kanban, and more!

  • 5 hours of instruction

    Each video is an average of 16 minutes long, making the collection great for focused training by topic.

  • Companion PDF workbook

    If training in groups or a classroom setting, print out the included companion PDF workbook to increase engagement and learning.

  • Supplemental YouTube videos

    Go a little bit farther with each topic with our supporting list of YouTube videos.

  • Facilitator's guide (PDF)

    Download our tips and recommendations for facilitating training in groups.

Course Curriculum

Video 1: Course Introduction

  • Introduction to the course structure, content, and navigation.
  • Instructions for support and asking questions.

Video 2: What is Lean?

  • Discover three perspectives to describe what lean is all about.
  • Understand the role of scientific thinking in the origins and practice of lean.
  • Learn four tips to help set you up for success learning lean.

Video 3: The Lean House

  • Understand a simple version of the "lean house," for the sake of organizing what you lean about lean.

Video 4: Value and Waste

  • Learn how to define and identify "value" and "waste."
  • Discover the three M's: muri, mura, and muda.
  • Survey each of the 7 wastes of lean.
  • Realize how lean methods approach cost reduction differently than conventional approaches.

Video 5: Stability

  • Learn the "Four Ms" of stability: man, machine, material, and method.
  • Discover common factors that create instability in each category.
  • Realize how stability is a prerequisite to standardization and continuous improvement.

Video 6: Standard Work

  • Define "standard work" and discover how it is much more than SOPs.
  • Learn the many ingredients that are composed into a standard work "recipe."
  • Overview four common types of standard work: 8-step-process, classic standardized work, TWI Job Instruction, and video.
  • Discover four reasons why standard work is critical to your success.

Video 7: 5S

  • Learn the two primary purposes of 5S.
  • Overview each of the five disciplines of 5S: sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain.
  • Discover the big picture as to why 5S matters.

Video 8: Kaizen

  • Define kaizen (continuous improvement) and discover its origins.
  • Appreciate how kaizen is both a culture creating of small improvements, and also big improvements.
  • Discover how 80% of your potential depends on kaizen by front-line associates.
  • Overview how to run larger kaizen as an event.

Video 9: Heijunka

  • Discover what heijunka (production leveling) is all about.
  • Learn why production leveling matters to the stability and efficiency of your organization.
  • Understand production leveling conceptually via a scheduling example, and the role of schedule mixing and pattern production.

Video 10: Visual Management

  • Understand visual management through strong 5S controls, and also "expected vs. actual" performance.
  • Survey common visual control boards: production tracking (hour-over-hour) chart, monthly tracking chart, job-by-job tracking chart, and a task completion board.
  • Realize how these simple controls are essential to the success of lean management and PDCA/scientific thinking.

Video 11: Continuous Flow

  • Define "flow" and the concept of "just-in-time" (JIT) manufacturing.
  • Explore the consequences of batch size as it relates to lead time and performance metrics.
  • Learn how continuous flow produces better quality, reduced inventory, and faster feedback.
  • Survey how to create balanced workcells with flexible manpower and one-piece flow.

Video 12: Takt Time

  • Define takt time and understand how it limits over production, creating steady flow.
  • Learn how takt time limits overburden and unneveness.
  • Learn how to calculate takt time based on customer demand.

Video 13: Pull Systems

  • Define a pull system along with the term "kanban."
  • Survey common pull systems including: one-piece-flow, FIFO, kanban supermarket, 1-card kanban, and 2 bin kanban systems.
  • Compare and contrast the movement of material in push vs. pull systems.

Video 14: SMED

  • Understand what SMED is and why quick changeovers and critical to achieving leveled production and steady flow.
  • Learn a simple 5-step approach to achieving shorter changeover times.
  • Discover the importance of moving internal activities to external activities.

Video 15: Value Stream Mapping

  • Define a "value stream" and overview value stream mapping as a tool for continuous improvement.
  • See an example of VSM in terms of a current state and future state map.

Video 16: Jidoka

  • Define "jidoka" and learn how to create smart automation with quality built-in.
  • Understand key jidoka concepts including: a culture of "stop and fix problems," built-in quality, separation of man & machine, poka yoke, and andon.
  • Learn the value of multi-process handling,

Video 17: Problem Solving

  • Learn the two types of problems.
  • Overview characteristics of effective problem-solving.
  • Learn to connect problem-solving to the bigger picture with measurable impact.
  • Survey common problem-solving tools: graphs/charts, fishbone diagrams, check sheets, control charts, histograms, and pareto charts.
  • Understand the role of PDCA in effective problem-solving.

Video 18: Lean Management

  • Discover the critical ways in which lean management differs from traditional management.
  • Learn the three lean management practices to create a lean culture.
  • Overview how lean management is often structured vs. traditional organizational structures.
  • Realize the important role of the team leader.